
Allen offers a wide range of orthopaedics products including beach chairs and lateral decubitus positioners for shoulder and hip surgery, arm and hand tables, knee positioners for knee procedures and more. Using innovative technologies like Lift-Assist™ Allen provides simple, secure orthopaedic positioning solutions for the OR.

7_a-90000_allen_table-powered_beach_chair-01Orthopaedic Products
Allen provides an array of products to meet your specific orthopaedic positioning needs including beach chairs that offer Fowler’s Position for shoulder surgery, multiple options for lateral decubitus positioning and a wide selection of arm and hand tables.


7_a-90023-universal-head-restraint-01Orthopaedic Disposables
Allen’s orthopaedic disposables protect your equipment from fluids and contaminants and give you the convenience of an easy clean up.


7_a-90015-counter-traction-strap-01Orthopaedic Accessories
Allen offers a selection orthopaedic of accessories including arm supports, straps and braces to meet your specific positioning needs.
