Orthopaedic Products

Allen provides an array of products to meet your specific orthopaedic positioning needs including beach chairs that offer Fowler’s Position for shoulder surgery, multiple options for lateral decubitus positioning and a wide selection of arm and hand tables.

Allen® Lift-Assist® Beach Chair

Universal™ Head Positioner

Allen® Arm Positioner

Allen® Hug-U-Vac® Lateral Positioner

Allen® Traction Boot

Portable Orderly Limb Positioner

Schlein Hand Positioner

Wrist Arthroscopy System

The Equalizer

Basic Carpa™ Table

Carbon Lights™ Minor Procedures Table

Carbon Lights™ Hourglass Table

Basic Hourglass Table

Carbon Lights™ Rectangular Table

Basic Rectangular Table

Lateral Braces

Arthroscopic Well-Leg Holder

Total Knee Stabilizer

Classic Arthroscopic Leg Holder

Deluxe Arthroscopic Legholder

Arm Traction Device

Weightless Shoulder Suspension System